As the former Chief Marketing Officer at McDonalds Corporation said recently,
"It no longer makes economic sense to market to the masses in order to influence the few."
"It no longer makes economic sense to market to the masses in order to influence the few."
Let's say you have a gig coming up in Atlanta, isn't it the Georgia fans you really want to notify and target? Yet many artists will spend precious time blasting the information out on their Network pages, (Twitter, Facebook etc.) with the idle hope that their true Georgia fans are "tuned in" at the time.
Many retail stores will settle for National advertising campaigns, dreamed up by corporate offices, in order to move merchandise, when what they really want to do is move one specific line out of their specific store and communicate that to their targeted local customers. Non-targeted marketing is flawed at best and can lead to empty stores, rooms and pissed off venues. Let us help you engage your fans and customers now, and increase your ability to see results, sell your tickets and merchandise, and gain loyal true fans and customers along the way. Targeted offers and promotions reach the customers or fans you want to reach, when you want to reach them, and as we all know, timing can mean everything. Whether you are trying to get information out about a last minute gig or a weekend inventory clearance sale, to a dozen contacts, or a million, mobile texting is the economic solution. Statistics show that 97% of mobile phone users will read a text within 4 minutes of receiving it... that statistic can't be touched with a ten foot pole by any other form of communication, save face to face; emails and newsletters don't have a chance. It's been shown that when most people get interesting, entertaining or otherwise pleasing content on their cell phones, they will share that content with their friends and family, thereby effectively increasing the reach of that message by two or three fold. |
Let us get creative with you, and design a program that works for your target recipients. For as little as .03¢ a fan or customer, we will get your message out to the people who want mobile contact from you. Our opt-in services guarantee that your message is going to someone who appreciates you keeping them informed and is anticipating your promotions, and we design our campaigns to attract and target responses on a per city, state, venue, season or even merchandise basis, just to name a few ideas.
We can help artists and businesses alike create more effective marketing campaigns for a fraction of what advertising campaigns would normally cost. We help grow your reach through engaging content and tangible results.
Call today to discuss the possibilities with Wynne!
Wynne Adams 615.495.7375
We can help artists and businesses alike create more effective marketing campaigns for a fraction of what advertising campaigns would normally cost. We help grow your reach through engaging content and tangible results.
Call today to discuss the possibilities with Wynne!
Wynne Adams 615.495.7375