App Development |
ComLink Entertainment can design for the artist, business or organization a personalized mobile Smartphone App to target and make available to a specific social community instant and easy access to the designated content.
The Smartphone App is designed for radio programmers and music decision makers and presents an opportunity for artists to market their music and video content to radio stations across the U.S. and around the world.
Stream the latest releases right from a cell phone and preview videos, press releases, articles and more. Contact |
Comlink Cinema
Special Feature "Making a Difference" - "Stop The Bull" - Matt Kennon
I put together a campaign called “Stop The Bull” and partnered with Alabama head coach Nick Saban and his wife Terry and their charitable organization Nick’s Kids and took my program to schools throughout the Tuscaloosa and Birmingham areas. I also have partnered with district attorneys, the San Jose Giants, radio stations, sports teams and various other organizations which have taken me to 14 cities, 60 schools across the country and gave me the opportunity to perform and have an impact on the lives of 100,000 kids across the country firsthand about this issue. ~ Matt Kennon
Shawn Gallaway
Entertainment and Lifestyle
Programs for All Ages
Programs for All Ages
COMLINK CINEMA, powered by, is a media marketing company presenting and delivering a variety of video content, connecting with individuals and groups to generate and promote entertainment and lifestyle activities which can be accessed for enjoyment by all ages.
A sharing of interests, experience and talent from the lighthearted to the heart inspired, ComLink Cinema programming includes interviews, music and variety performances, inspirational, educational content and fun viewing for younger family members Contact
COMLINK ENTERTAINMENT provides marketing strategies to develop and expand Community Connections for artists, businesses and organizations in the community. Services include website design, digital marketing, social community engagement, search engine optimization, mobile marketing, a personalized texting program, and new media marketing and branding.
Your Music Video Connection
Streamlining the Artist, the Song & the Image
Streamlining the Artist, the Song & the Image
The vision of COMLINK CINEMA is to offer greater exposure for the artist
by “Streamlining The Artist, The Song & The Image”
and to present to the music industry a more efficient way
of knowing and accessing the artist and their music.
by “Streamlining The Artist, The Song & The Image”
and to present to the music industry a more efficient way
of knowing and accessing the artist and their music.
Length of a video varies (30 min. max.) To participate submit MP4 or a link to your video for review.
Length of a video varies (30 min. max.) To participate submit MP4 or a link to your video for review.
ComLink Entertainment & ComLink Cinema Creating Connections - Expanding Your Presence Streamlining the Artist, the Song & the Image |
provides marketing strategies to develop and expand Community Connections for artists, businesses and organizations in the music industry. Our services include website design, digital marketing, social community engagement, search engine optimization, smartphone App development and mobile marketing, a personalized texting program, and new media marketing and branding. |
is a media marketing company presenting and delivering promotional video content to various outlets in effort to generate exposure and develop brands for those in the entertainment industries. The vision of ComLink Cinema is to offer a greater exposure of "The Artist, The Song & The Image" and to present to the music industry a streamlined approach to connect with the artist and their music. |